Monday, January 24, 2011

Oh yeahhh...

So I basically failed with this project really early on. I thought I might have the time for it but its so difficult to work when I have no roll going and I need to be getting back into the school groove. I'm just gonna update when I do something significant.

I think when it comes to cooking I can definitely be fearless like i want to be but sewing, as it turns out, is not quite as comparable to cooking as I expected. With cooking you can mess up and its no big deal, it'll still be edible. With costumes, however, I take it so seriously now that I don't like to mess up at all and therefore I don't take many risks. I need to know that I can do something before I do it. I'll continue to be fearless in the kitchen but I'll just have to get focused in my workshop/bedroom cause its not working out this way.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Road to aod: Day 3

I started out today's work session with Alyssa on skype!! We haven't seen each other for a few weeks so it was pretty nice to see her smiling face.

Then, while on skype I finished the top part of my pants pattern. Looks like its going to work out nicely. I just need to draft the bottom part with the stirrup and then I will be done with the pattern...

...which is why the third thing I did today was get my serger set up! once I heat'n'bond the gold strips to the front pant parts its all serging from there on for the pants!

See y'all when I'm hungover!

Road to aod: Day 2


Today i didn't do much either but I began cutting out my mock-up for my underpants. I am altering Simplicity pattern 3707 and using a black lycra knit. The idea is that it should be super comfortable since It will be touching my skin.

I also learned how to use my new old serger. It is basically brand new but from the ninties or something. The instructional video was really helpful but the lady on it looked like a supernintiesstickupherass kinda girl. She wore a scarf while sewing and made cute little kids clothes with sweatshirt fabric. It was a good time.

I am still having trouble getting adjusted to my daily schedule. I should really utilize this weekend to get everything in order. I am free basically all afternoon tomorrow so I should make significant progress on my pants. They really aren't that hard. I can probably finish them if I try hard enough.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Road to aod: Day 1

Omg, this is so much harder than I thought it would be. I got out my fabric and pattern today. That's pretty much it. I guess it kind of counts. Since I don't really have progress to show my photo for today is going to be the reference pictures I am using for this project.


Here's another view:
These are his swords. I am doing the purple set like in the reference photos.
Sorry for my incompetence. I will make up for it tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lagging already

Hey everybody,

I know I said I was going to start with my costume on Monday but due to unforeseen events I have been a bit distracted. Everything is fine. I have just been getting accustomed to being back in Berkeley and have been sorting out a few things about the semester. As some of you may already know I have dropped my Japanese class that I was ever so excited to take. The realization that it was going to be too much for me to handle dawned on me as I came back to my apartment and hung out with one of my roommates for the first time since finals. We only watched a movie together, but it was absolutely wonderful. I think if I am going to be leaving Berkeley at the end of the year I should try to get as much out of the people as possible. its them I will miss after all, not one semester of Japanese education (no matter how good the program is here).

Anyway, I should be starting today once get back from class and meeting up with a few friends, I don't have much class on Wednesdays. Catch y'all when I get my sew on!