Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hakone and Cosplay Co-op

Sooooooo, The Nor-Cal shoot gathering at the Hakone gardens was pretty fun. I think I would have liked it better if I wasn't exhausted from staying up all night though. yes, that's right, I stayed up all night to finish my costume. I like the way it turned out (especially my wig!), but like I said in my previous blog I don't think it was the best costume choice for me. It was alright, but I don't think that it flattered my body type as much as I would like it to. Here are some of my favorite photos from the day:

^ I love my face in this one. hehehe.

^ I love the movement in this one! especially since it shows the vent I engineered.

This one was my favorite shot of the day! Thanks so much OSCAR!!!

I felt weird asking for too many photos at this shoot because my costume wasn't really that good. I felt other people deserved it more because they seemed to work harder on their costumes. I really wanted to try and do some more movement shots in this costume, but I can always wait until next time!

Thanks to everyone who made the event fun! WE HAVE STICK!!!


I have been thinking a lot about the future lately and I don't know what is going to happen with myself and cosplay. When I am out of college and working I will only get a few years of help from my parents with money and everything (they are almost completely funding my cosplay right now, and I am 21. lol. embarrassing). I will have so many bills to pay and necessities to buy. I cant think of any way to really make that cheaper except by cooperative living. If you are unfamiliar with what this is, it is a large group of people living together in a big house or building (like a boarding house except with a stronger community) sharing resources and expenses. This is beneficial in many ways but I won't get into it here. So, I was thinking about possibly starting a co-op in San Francisco (or wherever) for artists or something. Then I got to thinking about the benefits that theater costume shops have. They all share tools and materials to work on many costumes. Then it struck me: WHY NOT START A COSPLAY CO-OP!!! This could be a really interesting idea. There would be like 6 people living in a big house with a big cosplay workspace for all of us to share and work together. We could all help each other and share resources. Also, I thought we could do commissions for beginners or people who don't find sewing very interesting but want to wear a costume. We could all pitch in for different parts of the commission and use the profit to buy more machines and tools. Depending on how cosplay goes for me this year and next year (my last year being a student) I will see where I want to go with this co-op idea and if it still interests me as much as it does now then I will try harder to make it happen!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I really like....tall.

I am sitting here eating spaghetti at 2 am when I should be sewing my Volbeat Jacket, but all I want to do is blog about how it is not going to look like the picture. Sure, the colors are going to be right, and all of the pieces will be there and accurate. but the picture is impossible to duplicate. My head is just not that big and my body isn't that shape. Its been really bugging me that I haven't been choosing costumes well enough to fit my body type. I did a great job with my Selkie costume but, honestly, I didn't wear it the second day of aod because i felt it was really inappropriate for my tall body. I am hesitant to wear it again, but I have to because my dad and I worked so hard on my racket and I can't let that work go to waste! Itll probably be better when I remake the main part of my sandals too.

Good thing the rest of my costumes (with the exception of Hope from FFXIII who I am still not sure if I want to do yet) are all tall people. Sousuke, Brera, and Leeron how I love thee for being tall and awesome at the same time.

Oh, and if Aubree Thompson ever reads this blog: I guess I do really like tall. HAHA!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ugly Poop Salad

I ordered my wig for Volbeat on Monday and It got to my apartment on Thursday except I was sleeping off the wine from the night before. They left me a note that said they would be back on Friday between 10:30 and 2:00. LIES!!!!

I waited around all morning and they didn't come until about 3:15. Its not super late but that is not even the worst part. I saw the truck pull up near my building and saw the guy get out and come to my building. I waited to hear my buzzer go off but nothing happened. Then I see the Truck driving away. WHAT!!???!?!?! I was pissed so I ran downstairs and there was a notice on the door! WHAT?!?!?!?!!? WHY WOULDN'T HE BUZZ MY APARTMENT?!!?!?!? That is the worst ever!!!! WHYYY!?!?!?!

Luckily I was able to run up the street to his next stop and get my wig but still. UPS FAIL!!! I never want to use them again.